Positive Behaviour For Learning - PB4L

Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L) initiatives help parents, whānau, teachers, early childhood centres and schools address behaviour, improve children’s wellbeing and increase educational achievement.

By strengthening relationships and creating more positive home and school environments we remove barriers to engagement and improve students’ chances to achieve at school and beyond.

Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L) believes:

  • positive behaviour can be learnt and difficult and disruptive behaviour can be unlearnt

  • individual children are not a ‘problem’ – we need to change the environment around them to support positive behaviour

  • punishing and isolating children doesn’t bring about long-term and sustainable changes in behaviour

  • we need to concentrate on a small number of evidence-based programmes and frameworks that we know work

  • there are no quick fixes. Behaviour change takes time.