Information for Parents

Transitioning your Child into School

You can assist your child’s preparation for school in the following ways:

Work towards:  
-  holding a book correctly  holding and using pencil correctly  writing and recognising their own name
– using capital letters for the first letters only  recognising some letters of the alphabet and know some of the sounds  counting to 10 and knowing some other numbers
- also what comes before and after a number  recognising basic shapes  recognising colours (colouring in skills would be an advantage).

Self-management and organisation skills - by:  
-  being able to tell the teacher what they need or want.  toilet themselves independently  carrying their bag to the classroom  listen and follow instructions 
-  put things away in the right place at the right time  put on their shoes and socks  cough into their sleeve and how to blow their nose (tissues are available)

Daily you should help your child by:
-  Asking them about their learning
– talk about the good things that happened in their day 
- Read to and with you child  Help your child to complete home learning tasks as required.

Other ways you as a parent can support your child’s learning.  
-  Start the day with a positive attitude and a balanced diet.
-  A big breakfast is essential and a healthy lunch – not too many treats in the lunchbox and always a good sized water bottle – not fizzy drinks please.  We have morning tea at 10.30, an energiser at 11.50 and lunch at 1pm. 
-  Get your child to school by 8.45am. This allows your child to be organised for the day and to reestablish their friendship circles – which is important to all children. When they are late sometimes they are out of sorts for the day. 
-  Regular and consistent bedtimes. Ten hours or more of sleep each night is recommended for five year olds starting school. 

Parents please check - everything is brought from home for the day - uniform, stationery, lunch, library books, homework. We prefer not to ring you to bring things up to school during the day. It is really important to ask questions if you are not sure.

No question is an unnecessary one! 

New Enrolments

We welcome new enrolments at our school. The following enrolment form can be completed and dropped in to our school office, or emailed to

2024 MGS Enrolment Form updated.pdf

School Booklet

Check out our school booklet, with everything you could ever need to know about our school included:

2024 School Booklet pdf.pdf

School Hours

The school operates the following hours:


8.30am                    Grounds open for students

9am                       School starts

9.00am - 11am          Morning Classes

10am                     Stop for a 10 minute fruit break, fruit provided

11am - 11.40am        Morning Tea break

11.40am - 1pm          Classes

1pm - 1.40pm              LUNCH

1.40pm - 3.00pm       Afternoon Classes

3pm                       School finishes


School Lunches

Our school is very lucky to be a part of the amazing Ka Ora Ka Ako Healthy lunches in schools programme. The school offers hot nutritious and yummy free lunches to all students daily and the school provides healthy fresh fruit platters for morning tea. Please let the school know if your child has any dietary requirements.

Friday Lunch Orders are also available for order each Friday.


School Term Dates 2024

The school term dates for 2024 are as follows:

Term 1: Wednesday 31st January - Friday 12th April

Term 2: Monday 29th April - Friday 5th July

Term 3: Monday 22nd July - Friday 27th September

Term 4: Monday 14th Oct - Friday 13th December

School Bus

The school has a daily school bus run in mornings and afternoons, picking up and dropping off elligible children to and from the school and allocated bus stops. Contact the school office to check whether your child is elligible to catch the school bus


Assemblies are currently held fortnightly on Fridays at 2.30pm. Family members are always welcome. Special assemblies showcasing excellence and celebrating achievement are held at the end of each term. Specific dates will be supplied to families.