E.O.T.C. ~ Education Outside The Classroom

Education outside of the classroom is an important part of the experience at Mulberry Grove School. Being right on natures doorstep, with the beach over the fence we try to be outside as much as we can. Children play sports and activities outside, help with the school gardens, beach clean ups, local trips and off-island experiences. We have regular yearly sessions with Lifesaving NZ, trips to local beaches and places of interest, such as Glenfern Sanctuary, the Windy Hill Sanctuary and the Hillary Outdoors centre, visits to local artists, visits with our local Coastguard and we have had a number of visits from Yachting NZ. Off-island trips have included sports trips, visits to Wellington for the Wearable Arts show and Tongariro trips to the Outdoor Pursuits Centre.

EOTC programmes provide students with access to hands-on experiences that are not available inside the classroom. They offer unique and stimulating learning opportunities that support childrens learning and achievement. EOTC 'brings the curriculum alive’. EOTC has a positive impact on students motivation to learn. The physical space, social dynamics and interactions that learning outdoors provide also contribute to increased student engagement. EOTC helps develop students skills, such as confidence, leadership, resilience, self awareness, empathy and self esteem and encourages a love and respect for nature and the outdoors. 

EOTC programmes, events, activities, and experiences: