A fabulous little school on the waters edge of an island paradise, rich with amazing learning opportunities, in a wonderful caring community.
Our School Vision: “Opening a world of possibilities”
Our School Values:
Our values play an important part of our everyday lives in school and in the community. These are explicitly taught with the students, and reinforced on a daily basis. Our school teaches our values through the acronym PRIDE. This represents our our belief that when we persevere, show respect, integrity, diversity and strive to be best we can be, then we have pride in ourselves, our school and our community.
Recognising that learning new skills can be hard
Learning from your mistakes
Staying on task until you have finished
Asking for help
Having another go after facing difficulties
Showing courage
Experimenting until you succeed
Being willing to make a mistake
For themselves, others, property and the environment
Listening to Others
Helping others
Using your manners
Being caring and considerate
Looking after everyone’s belongings the school and local and natural environment
Telling the truth
Being fair
Being responsible
Being Trustworthy
Understanding that each individual is unique
Accepting differences
Treating others the way you want to be treated
Appreciating the things that make others special
Being inclusive
Being accepting of things that you can not change
Striving to be the best you can be having high expectations
Expecting to succeed
Showing initiative
Setting goals
Being the best that I can be
Expecting more and achieving more
Strategic Plan:
Check out our strategic plan